Friday, 20 November 2009


Beberapa saat yang lalu ketika saya membuka blog ini, dan saya mendapatkan notifikasi dari admin yang berbunyi :

We have received a DMCA complaint for your blog, Popalogic : Another Side. An e-mail with the details of the complaint was sent to you on Nov 19, 2009 , and we reset the post status to “Draft”. You may republish the post with the offending content and/or link(s) removed. If you believe you have the rights to post this content, you can file a counter-claim with us. Thank you for your prompt attention.

For fuck’s sake, saya ngungsi, coy!

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Sunday, 1 November 2009

Lagu Lama, Cerita Baru.

Guillemots - Made - Up Lovesong#43
i love you through sparks and shining dragons, i do,
now there's poetry, in an empty coke can.
I love you through sparks and shining dragons, i do,
now there's majesty, in a burnt out caravan.

you got me off the paper round, just sprang out of the air,
the best things come from nowhere,
i love you, i don't think you care.

i love you through sparks and shining dragons, i do,
and the symmetry in your northern grin
I love you through sparks and shining dragons, i do,
i can see myself in the refill litter bin.

you got me off the sofa, just sprang out of the air, the best things come from nowhere, i can't believe you care.